Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Entry #59: New Graphene Battery

A Spanish company called Graphenano has just announced a new kind of battery it is developing using graphene technology. This new battery far surpasses lithium batteries and it could soon replace batteries in cars that we are using now. This new battery will be able to charge up to 33 times faster than lithium batteries and is also not prone to exploding.

For more info: New Graphene Battery

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Entry #58: Goodyear Eagle-360

The tire company Goodyear has unveiled their new concept tire that will be a dramatic change from what we think of as tires today. It is called the Eagle-350 and will be a ball that uses magnetic power. It seems like a pretty radical concept but they say it will allow for more control and that using them will be a lot easier.

For more info: Goodyear Eagle-360

Monday, February 29, 2016

Entry #57: Unmanned Convenience Store

In Sweden a man named Robert Ilijason created a new type of convenience store that has no staff and is completely automated. You simply download an app that lets you enter the store and then you scan your items and the price will get automatically deducted from your bank account. It sounds really convenient and makes things much faster.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Entry #56: LiFi

A new type of WiFi has been developed using LED light bulbs, LiFi. Internet signals are transmitted to the light bulbs and then are converted into usable data. This new LiFi will be able to support up to 224 Gbps, which is way faster than internet we currently have in the United States. I look forward to internet companies trying to catch up to this new model that has been developed.

For more info: LiFi

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Entry #55: Photonic Propulsion

NASA has recently revealed their new prototype photonic propulsion system for space travel. They say once it is completed it will be able to travel to Mars in 3 days. It uses lasers and sails to travel through space. This is a pretty exciting development as it could lead to interstellar life for humans.

For more info: Photonic Propulsion

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Entry #54: Sword Art Online

IBM has just announced that they will be recreating the popular anime series "Sword Art Online" for virtual reality. They want to create an immersive environment that is similar to the anime. They say the system will be able to scan each person and be able to render their profile in the game. They are currently only approaching the alpha stage of their testing and will have 208 participants from Japan to test it. If they can perfect it and make it as immersive as they are suggesting it will be then I think it'll be a huge step in virtual reality and gaming.

For more info: Sword Art Online

Monday, February 22, 2016

Entry #53: Augmented Reality

Microsoft inventor Alex Kipman and his team have created the HoloLens, a type of augmented-reality headset. He demonstrated what you could do with the HoloLens by summoning magic and even talking to an astronaut. It would give you the power to change what you see around your world, very similar to virtual reality.

For more info: Augmented Reality

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Entry #52: Bionic Spine

Scientists in Australia have begun research on their new "Bionic Spine." They say it will let paralyzed patients to use bionic limbs that will give them their mobility back. This could mean the end to wheelchair bound people. The procedure involves inserting the bionic spine into a blood vessel leading to the brain and attaching it to the motor cortex.

For more info: Bionic Spine

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Entry #51: 5D Discs

Researchers at the University of Southampton's Optical Research Center have just created a new method of storing data. They call the new format 5D Discs and these can store up  to 360 TB per disc. The discs can withstand 1000 degrees C and are supposed to be able to survive up to 13.8 billion years at room temperature. This seems like a pretty cool advance and that much of history will not be lost to time with this kind of technology.

For more info: 5D Discs

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Entry #50: Self-Parking Chairs

Nissan has just announced chairs that position themselves. These chairs can be controlled via Wi-Fi and make use of sensors that need to be installed in order for them to work. The sensors will direct the chairs to move into position. This is great for conference rooms and after you leave you won't have to push the chair in as it will do it for you.

For more info: Self-Parking Chairs

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Entry #49: Cheaper Tesla

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, has announced that their Model 3 electric car will go into production 2017 and will only cost $35,000. This is a big announcement as that is about the price a brand new car costs so basically it is being made mainstream. Finally the average consumer can buy a Tesla. I think this is a smart move for Elon Musk and that in the future many people will be driving the new Model 3 around.

For more info: Cheaper Tesla

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Entry #48: Welding Neurons

Scientists have discovered a way to physically attach two neurons to each other through artificial means. They use a laser to basically weld two neurons together. This can be used to help people who have had strokes or other brain damage. I can see it being used to perhaps enhance people to help them think even faster.

For more info: Welding Neurons

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Entry #47: Roach Robots

Researchers have been looking into new ways of creating robots that will help in disaster situations. One of the newest creations is a cockroach type of robot that is just a little bit bigger than an actual cockroach. They will be mounted with cameras and sensors and will be able to fit into small cracks to get about in situations such as earthquakes. This will help to find survivors and surveyors will be able to tell if the area is stable or not. It sounds like a cool idea from something of nasty origin.

For more info: Roach Robots

Friday, February 5, 2016

Entry #46: Brainprints

Researchers at Binghamton University have recently come up with a new method of security and are calling it brainprints. It is like fingerprints but with the brain instead. They say a machine will record the responses a person makes to specific images or words and then can use them to 94% accuracy to determine that person later on when they try to gain access. It provides a much more intense sense of security as a person's fingerprints can be stolen but brain patterns aren't so easily stolen. I think it'd be pretty cool, but like the article says it is very expensive and would only be practical for high security places such as the pentagon.

For more info: Brainprints

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Entry #45: Veggie Factory

The first farm completely run by robots is going to begin production soon in Japan. Boasting very high efficiency and little waste, this automated farm is said to be able to produce 30,000 heads of lettuce a day. It is supposed to reduce labor costs by 50%, cut energy use by 30%, and recycle 98% of water needed to grow the crops. This sounds like a pretty cool idea and I think they would be a benefit wherever they are built.

For more info: Veggie Factory

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Entry #44: Power Trees

A team at The Ohio State University has proposed a new type of way to harvest wind energy. They want to create a device that resembles a tree. They say that trees shake a certain way that can produce plenty of electrical energy. The scientist want to use the trees to power sensors in structures such as bridges that monitor the soundness of the structure.

For more info: Power Trees

Monday, February 1, 2016

Entry #43: Gene Editing

Recently scientists in the UK (United Kingdom) have gotten the go ahead to proceed with altering the DNA of embryos. Scientists in China have already done the gene editing in order to correct a blood disorder. If successful future babies could be immune to many things and not get sick as much.

For more info: Gene Editing

Friday, January 29, 2016

Entry #42: Fiber-Optic Healing

The University of St Andrews and Harvard Medical School have developed a new technique to stimulate healing through fiber-optics. The technique photochemical tissue bonding has been around for a while where light is applied to superficial wounds to help stimulate healing, but it has been unable to treat deeper wounds. The researchers have created a new type of material that is biodegradable so the fiber-optics can be inserted where the wounds are deeper and apply the light to help heal it. Then after the treatment they won't have to worry about removing the fiber-optics and cause the healed tissue damage again.

For more info: Fiber-Optic Healing

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Entry #41: Village on the Moon

A German company called DLR has recently begun experiments using a solar furnace to terraform the moon for people to live on. The process uses the solar energy to convert the moon's soil into usable bricks. These bricks can be used as construction material that can prevent radiation and provide an air tight seal. The cost for such a project will be super expensive but it would be cool to see people actually living on the moon.

For more info: Village on the Moon

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Entry #40: Self-Filling Water Bottle

The Fontus is a brand new system that turns moisture in the air into drinking water, thus creating a water bottle that fills itself up. Creator Kristof Retezár from Austria created this system which is very simple and portable. Over a period of 1 hour the Fontus can create half a quart of water. I think this product will help many people who like to do outdoors things and also can help many 3rd world countries that have clean water issues.

For more info: Self-Filling Water Bottle

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Entry #39: Conductive Concrete

Researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln have created a new type of concrete that is conductive. This is mainly used to de-ice and melt snow without having to use chemicals. This can potentially save lots of money as a truck load of the chemicals needed to de-ice the roads is much more than the costs of the concrete.

Fore more info: Conductive Concrete

Monday, January 25, 2016

Entry #38: Liquid Batteries

Researchers in Shanghai have begun development on a new type of battery that will contain liquid components instead of metal. Metal components are expensive and heat up very quickly which led the researchers to find another solution. The liquid battery is environmentally friendly and has a much longer charge cycle which can help cut down on battery costs. If these new batteries come to replace our current batteries then phones and such could have much longer battery life and use.

For more info: Liquid Batteries

Friday, January 22, 2016

Entry #37: Potatoes on Mars

NASA has recently begun research into whether or not Peruvian potatoes can grow on Mars. This is an attempt to see if life can be sustained on the planet. NASA will simulate an environment similar to Mars to see if the potatoes can still grow. Potatoes were chosen as a test crop because they are the most adaptable food staple. If the tests are successful then that could mean the human race would be one step closer to colonizing other planets.

For more info: Potatoes on Mars

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Entry #36: Hyperloop

A new company called Hyperloop Technologies is currently in the development of creating a new mode of transportation for cross country travel. It is called the Hyperloop and is basically a long tube that will connect to various cities which will allow a pod to travel through it at high speeds. The company states that the pod will be able to travel through the tube at max speeds of 1000 km/h. The company is just in its start up phase so testing has not actually been conducted yet but they have high hopes.

For more info: Hyperloop

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Entry #35: Downloadable Content for Your Brain

DARPA is working on a new brain implant that will allow you to download content directly to your brain. It is a part of their Neural Engineering System Design (NESD) program. The brain implant will be able to inject images and sounds into the brain. They have already created brain implants to help soldiers alleviate PTSD. If they are successful in their research I believe it will be somewhat like "The Matrix" and people will be able to instantly learn anything, which would be pretty cool.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Entry #34: Super Soldiers

DARPA has recently been working on new projects that could in fact make fictional characters such as Captain America a reality. They launched a new division called Biological Technologies Office (BTO) to "restore and maintain warfighter abilities." They have many projects that will augment what a regular soldier would normally be capable of doing. One of their projects is called Technologies for Host Resistance (THoR) which is meant to find ways to "prevent the body’s overreaction to infection and buy time for the individual’s natural recovery mechanisms to kick in." They have many other projects that they are working on and it seems like warfare will soon change in the future to adapt. It is pretty crazy to think that things that seemed unreal are starting to become things that are simply not achieved yet.

For more info: Super Soldiers