Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Entry #33: Free Energy

A company in Dublin called Steorn has recently released a product that could potentially revolutionize the world... if the claims are true. Steorn has released a product called the OCube that is said to have "perpetual energy". This means that it would never have to be charged and will continually produce energy. This first product is a portable power bank for usb charged devices and is being sold for $1,275. The company is also planning more products that will utilize the same technology. I think if their claim is true then this will force scientists to reexamine many of our current laws of physics, but it is yet to be seen whether or not this is a credible claim.

For more info: Free Energy

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Entry #32: Project PREMISS

Researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology have recently created the world's smallest temperature sensor chip. The chip is as light as a grain of sand and is 2 millimeters square. The coolest thing about this chip is that it requires no source of power. It uses the radio waves that it uses to communicate to power itself. This technology could ultimately lead to devices which could transmit data without having to worry about batteries or physical connections.

For more info: Project PREMISS

Monday, December 7, 2015

Entry #31: Reading Flies

Neuroscientists from Northwestern University have successfully developed a way to read the minds of flies. By modifying the flies neurons with that of jelly fish they could see which parts of the brain light up when exposed to different stimulus. By examining the colors that light up they could tell that what sensations the fly was feeling. For example they could tell if the fly was smelling bananas or lavender. It's pretty interesting that scientists have developed ways to read the brain and I'm sure eventually this technology will make its way  to bigger domestic animals.

For more info: Reading Flies

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Entry #30: Smarter Battery

Professor Rachid Yazami of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore has recently created a new type of chip that will make batteries better. He boasts that it will be able to charge a smart phone fully in just 10 minutes. The chip is so small that it can be easily integrated into batteries that are used in cell phones. It will also be safer for the battery cause there won't be issues of overheating. It seems like a pretty easy solution to a problem many consumers now a days are facing and I think it would be a great product if released.

For more info: Smarter Battery

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Entry #29: Nano-Terminator

Researchers in North Carolina have developed a new type of way to deliver cancer fighting drugs. They call it the "Nano-Terminator" and it is a liquid metal that is injected directly into the patient. The metal will target cancer cells more directly and the metal that is used to deliver the anti-cancer agents actually helps enhance the effects. The metal is supposed to be biodegradable so it has low toxicity levels. So far tests have only been performed on mice but shows promise.

For more info: Nano-Terminator

Friday, November 20, 2015

Entry #28: Humanoid Robot

A research team from the University of Tehran in Iran has recently announced its newest humanoid robot, Surena III. Compared to its first model, the new Surena III has over 3 times as much degrees of freedom (DOF). Standing at 6 feet 3 inches its main function will serve disaster situations. It can currently kick balls, walk up and down stairs, and detect irregularities on the ground. Robots have been coming but this one just seems to be a benchmark. The team is already considering the next prototype, Surena IV.

For more info: Humanoid Robot

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Entry #27: New LEDs

A team from Florida State University has recently created a new type of LED that is brighter, cheaper, and easier to make. The new LED they created has a brightness of level of 10,000 candela (the unit used to measure how bright a light is) while current LED technology has a brightness level of 400 candela. It is a pretty big leap how much brighter their new LED is. The materials used in the creation are also cheaper and easier to make which will cut down on manufacturing costs significantly. This will make LED products much cheaper if the new technology is implemented.

For more info: New LEDs

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Entry #26: 3D Printed Pill

A company called Aprecia Pharmaceutical’s recently got approved to create its first 3D drug. Using their technology ZipDose they have created an anti-epilepsy pill called Spritam. The great prospect about this new technology is that now people can receive specifically tailored drugs for them and not just a generic dosage that is made for everyone. This can potentially prevent overdosing and under dosing and will make the drugs easier to take. I think this is a really smart technology that has been researched and I realize more and more how much the 3D printer can do.

For more info: 3D Printed Pill

Monday, November 16, 2015

Entry #25: Huawei Quick Charge

A company in Japan called Huawei has recently developed new technology that will allow batteries to charge much faster. With their specialized batteries and charger a smart phone could be charged very quickly. They surmise that in 7 minutes the new iPhone 6S can be fully charged with their technology. This seems like a pretty nifty new type of technology because people now a days use their smart phones for everything so being able to charge it full very quickly could be very convenient.

For more info: Huawei Quick Charge

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Entry #24: Real Virtual Reality

A research team from Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) has recently created a type of band that can be worn while connected to VR equipment to stimulate actual touch. For example if you had an Occulus Rift and were playing a boxing game, you would be able to feel the punches and blocks. How it works is the band will send electric impulses to the muscle and make it feel like you actually touched something. It is still being developed and will need to be reworked if it is meant to go commercial because it looks quite cumbersome. It does present an interesting concept though and I'm sure many people will want the final product to go along with their VR.

For more info: Real Virtual Reality

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Entry #23: JetPack Aviation

The company JetPack Aviation has recently tested its maiden flight of its new jetpack JB-9. The creators have been secretly creating the jetpack for over 25 years and have surprised the world with its first flight in New York. The team has already been working on the next prototype JB-10. This new prototype is expected to be able to fly over 10,000 feet in altitude and go over 100 mph. This product has been dubbed a personal jetpack so it seems pretty exciting. I expect that this will probably not be a cheap item to buy but the cool factor alone makes it worth it.

For more info: JetPack Aviation

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Entry #22: SkyTran

A new form of public transportation is being developed in Israel called the SkyTran. It will be a system that lets 1 to 2 people travel above traffic at up to 150 mph along a set route. It will be like a subway, except above ground and above traffic. It will use magnets to propel itself and only uses about the amount of energy as two hairdryers. The price to use one is estimated to be about the same as a subway ticket and the cost of building the systems will be a fraction of what it would cost to build a subway line. It is an interesting way to circumvent traffic but I think if it does become a reality then traffic on the SkyTran might become a thing, but that's just human nature.

For more info: SkyTran

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Entry #21: Supersonic Airliner

A new concept plane called the Skreemr has been proposed. It is able to go mach 10 and boasts being able to transport people from London to New York in 30 minutes. It uses a type of engine called the scramjet engine which would burn up the oxygen in the atmosphere rather than needing to carry oxygen fuel tanks. If it were fully developed it would be cool but it might cost quite a bit just for a flight on the supersonic airliner which people might not be too inclined to pay.

For more info: Supersonic Airliner

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Entry #20: Unbreakable Glass

Japanese scientists have recently created a new type of glass that is nearly as strong as steel. The University of Tokyo developed a new technique in order to combine silicon dioxide with alumina. They look to mass produce and commercialize the new glass within 5 years. This could lead to many more sturdy products at home such as glassware and also for phones. As long as the price is reasonable I think this could be a great innovation that the world could use.

For more info: Unbreakable Glass

Monday, November 2, 2015

Entry #19: Plasma Wings

New research into aircraft efficiency has produced new plasma wings. These new wings for aircrafts will result in cheaper, lighter, greener planes in the future. The technology also improves maneuverability and will allow for more efficient fuel consumption. I think that if this research is further developed then flying will become much easier and there may little to no accidents at all since the system is relatively simple.

For more info: Plasma Wings

Friday, October 30, 2015

Entry #18: Cancer Killing Virus

The FDA has recently approved of a new drug that is designed to target and kill cancer. The new drug is called Imlygic and is actually a virus. It is a modified strain of the herpesvirus. The drug/virus is injected into the area of infection and it actively targets and bursts cancer cells. The immune system then kicks in to clean up the debris left behind. Results have shown that the drug can extend a cancer patients life by up to 4 months. This isn't a complete cure but it is a good step in the right direction in the fight against cancer.

For more info: Cancer Killing Virus

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Entry #17: Plasma Engine

Physicists from France have created a new type of engine called the Wall-Less Hall Thruster. Most space crafts already use the Hall Thruster to propel themselves but the new Wall-Less Hall Thruster is said to use 100 million times less fuel. This could mean much much longer exploration times for space crafts. This research is still in progress so no telling when it'll be done but just discovering this new way to conserve fuel is a big step. Maybe within our lifetime humanity will be able to colonize Mars.

For more info: Plasma Engine

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Vocabulary Word of the Day #8: F-Stop

1. What does it measure?
it measures the amount of light that is being transmitted into the lens

2. What is it a ratio of?
the amount the iris is open to the amount of light

3. What does "f" stand for?
focal length

4. What is a "stop"?
doubling or halving of light

Entry #16: Honda Clarity

Honda has recently revealed its new hydrogen fuel cell vehicle Clarity. This new vehicle by Honda boasts being able to go 400 miles on a three minute hydrogen fill. The size of the fuel cell is the same size as a regular V-6 motor so the design stays compact just like what you'd expect from a typical sedan. With this new reveal it just goes to show how much technology has advanced and how eco-friendly companies are trying to be.

For more info: Honda Clarity

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Entry #15: 3-D Blood Vessels

A Chinese company called Revotek has recently released the world's first 3-D blood vessel printer. It uses stem cells to build whatever vessel is needed according to what is specified. This same system can also potentially be used to print livers, kidneys, and other organs.

This revolution could save a lot of lives once the technology is done. Lots of people die all the time because of lack of organs that are needed. Also if new blood vessels could be made then people could live longer if they replace their failing or cholesterol filled arteries with new ones.

For more info: 3-D Blood Vessels

Monday, October 26, 2015

Entry #14: Light Speed

A group of Harvard professors led by Professor Eric Mazur have created a material that can "squeeze" light. What this means is that the light can be made to go faster. Mazur predicts that with this new material and using light in stead of electrons then things such as computers or telecommunication can be vastly improved. Light doesn't waste as much energy and is much faster. Their work is still in development but just creating this new material which can manipulate light is a big first step to improving what we think of electronics now a days.

For more info: Light Speed

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Entry #13: Drone City Repair

A group of engineers in England have taken on the task of making drones work for the city. What they want is for the drones to repair city damage. This will include things such as potholes, street lamps, and utility pipes. The researchers claim that these tasks will be easy for the drones to do. They also say that having the drones do the work will eliminate a lot of traffic blockage. The drones will also spot weakness before it gets bad and repair it so not as much repair will be needed. I think it sounds like a really cool idea and will make city life run more smoothly.

For more info: Drone City Repair

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Entry #12: Desert Greenhouse

An organization called "Roots Up" has designed a greenhouse that can successfully sustain crops in the desert. It collects moisture in the air which is then used to water the plants. This new greenhouse can help provide food for areas of the world that cannot grow crops very easily. The organization plans on launching this project in Ethiopia first.

For more info: Desert Greenhouse

Vocabulary Word of the Day: #7 Ducking

When there are two audio feeds simultaneously being played and one is lowered while the other one is still being played. A common example of this is a voice over. DJs use this effect all the time while on air, for example when they are still speaking while music is being played.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Vocabulary Word of the Day: #6 Progressive Scan

When referred to TV's, a progressive scan is where the image is scanned from the top to the bottom in order to create a frame. Often the letter "p" will be tagged onto the end to show what kind of scan the TV uses, for example "1080p." The progressive scan will take the image line by line to show the complete frame.

An Example of Progressive Scan vs Interlaced Scan

Monday, October 19, 2015

Entry #11: Driverless Trucks

Driverless cars are starting to become a reality in this day and age we live in. There have already been plenty of trial runs by many different companies and they all seem to be a success. One such test is a mine in Australia. They currently have 22 driverless trucks operating on the site. The trucks do the exact same work as a regular worker would do but can run 24/7 without breaks. Using this technology will cut down on operation costs and can be used for the dangerous tasks so human life isn't risked.

For more info: Driverless Trucks

Friday, October 16, 2015

Entry #10: Artificial Skin

Recently a new type of artificial skin has been created. The creator is Zhenan Bao, a professor from Stanford University. The new skin sends signals to the brain allowing the person to feel the sensation of touch. It is meant to go on top of prosthetic limbs. If this technology is perfected it could mean that people who have suffered injuries can experience being whole again.

For more info: Artificial Skin

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Vocabulary Word of the Day: #5 White Balance

White Balance is a process that can be used to balance the amount of color temperature in a picture. If for example a picture looks like the colors are exaggerated it can be used to cool the picture to give it a more realistic neutral color. It can also be used to give pictures that seem bland more of a warmness so that they don't look so dull.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Entry #9: "Vampire" Drone

DARPA has recently proposed a new type of unmanned drone that has been called the "Vampire" drone. The concept is for the drone to disappear after delivering its supplies or within 30 minutes of twilight. It's pretty interesting that DARPA mentions it doesn't just want the drone to be camouflaged but for it to actually disappear, like it was never there. The project has been named ICARUS (Inbound, Controlled, Air-Releasable, Unrecoverable Systems) and has a budget of $8 million. It seems like a really cool concept to make something just disappear after its use has been served so that there doesn't need to be the worry about disposal.

For more info: "Vampire" Drone

Monday, October 12, 2015

Entry #8: Hulu Virtual Reality App

Hulu has recently announced that it will be releasing a new virtual reality app. This app will be launched with the new Samsung Gear VR. The Hulu app will allow you to watch videos in a more immersive 3D environment. It seems like virtual reality is going to be the next big thing in entertainment. It seems pretty legit, but you never know if it actually will be immersive until the product actually rolls out.

For more info: Hulu Virtual Reality App

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Entry #7: Panasonic Solar Panels

Panasonic has recently beaten out the competition in terms of solar panels. They recently created a new rooftop solar panel that has a 22.5% conversion efficiency making it the best commercial rooftop solar panel out there that consumers can get.

For more info: Panasonic Solar Panels

Vocabulary Word of the Day: #4 RAW

A RAW is an untouched image straight from the camera. This means that all it's pixels are intact and in full detail. Many images are down scaled so that they can be easily loaded on webpages and RAW's are generally larger files so are mainly used for editing and then are made into smaller more compressed images when done.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Vocabulary Word of the Day: #3 Histogram

A histogram shows the distribution of data in a numerical graph. In terms of Photoshop, it shows the amount of color being used in any given area in the piece that is being worked on. This can be useful if you are trying to adjust the contrast or brightness of the overall image.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Entry #6: Photonic Memory

A recent development in memory Photonic Memory. Currently SSDs (Solid State Drives) are the fastest type of memory storage that most PC owners can get. The new Photonic Memory technology boasts being 100 times faster than SSDs meaning things will load much much faster. This technology uses light to read and write data.

For more info clink the link: Photonic Memory

Friday, October 2, 2015

Entry #5: Powerline Adapters

I recently found out about this cool little gadget called the Powerline Adapter. If you live in a home where your router can't get good signal all across  the house then this might be an alternative worth looking into. It is relatively not too expensive and is a pretty cool nifty tool. What it does is use the electricity of the house as a network to get internet any where in the house where there might be a bad signal but has power outlets. It plugs directly into a regular power outlet and has ethernet ports that you can plug your PC into for a internet connection. This type of networking is perfect for older devices that don't have built-in WiFi or just areas of your house where wireless signal from your router isn't great. It's a pretty cool piece of technology I did not know about before but now am thinking about perhaps investing into.

For more info about Powerline Adapters.